This website contains a few visualizations of the Tree of Life dataset. The visualizations are rendered using Twilight.
- Laurence Muller (lmuller@seas.harvard.edu)
Nov 2009
- TOLweb.graphml - 9.2 mb - (89137 nodes / 89136 edges) - Complete Tree of Life from tolweb.org converted to GraphML (only contains species names)
- frogs.graphml - 130 kb - (1333 nodes / 1332 edges) - Frog subset from the Tree of Life (tolweb.org) converted to GraphML (only contains species names)
Twilight visualization
resolution: 3072 x 1536 px
GPU: 2x 8800 gtx (sli)
60 fps stable
Deepzoom visualization (requires silverlight)