The application is available on the android market.
Bugs and feature requests can be posted >>> here <<<.
fIRC 3 Status
(02 / 06 / 2011) I’m currently rewriting fIRC (v3.0).
Feature list (v0.2)
TODO: update feature list (outdated)
Current features:
- Connect to irc servers such as Freenode, EFnet, Quakenet, Gamesurge and many more)
- Multichannel
- PM / Authserv / Whois
Connecting to the server/channel:
- In the Main Menu click connect
- Adjust the settings (nickname!!!) and touch connect
- After connecting it should show the Main Menu. Click #chat to view the channel list
Sending a private message:
- To start a private conversation, PM a user and let him/her reply.
- Go back to the Main Menu and select PM. It should show up in the list.
- Most options (such as Join channel, Channel topic, Channel userlist and Leave channel) can now be accessed with the menu button.
- Help is now available in the channel view menu.
Update history
- v0.1.0 (Release date: 22 / 12 / 2008)
- Initial release
- v0.1.1
- Bug fix (nickname)
- v0.1.2
- Bug fix (nickname)
- v0.1.3
- added ACTION (/me)
- v0.2.0 (Release date: 31 / 12 / 2008)
- Major improvements now supports Multichannel, PM, and lots of GUI improvements.
- v0.2.1 (Release date: 01 / 01 / 2009)
- Custom fix for thanksgabe server
- v0.2.2 (Release date: 04 / 01 / 2009)
- Fixed: ping pong issue (fixed gamesurge and quakenet servers)
- Note: gamesurge requires lowercase nickname, realname and ident.
- Fixed: crash on disconnect
- Fixed: notification bug in Server status window
- Added: AUTHSERV support (/authserv auth username password)
- Added: Linkify of text messages
- Added: Help button in the channel view to show available commands
- Added: show MODE
- Added: WHOIS support (/whois nickname)
- Updated: PM overview enhanced (displays username & hostmask in the overview)
- Updated: Userlist sorting
- v0.2.3 (Release date: 05 / 01 / 2009)
- Added: Notification on incoming private message
- v0.2.4 (Release date: 06 / 01 / 2009)
- Fixed: Mode issue on quakenet
- v0.2.5 (Release date: 10 / 01 / 2009)
- Fixed: scrolling bug
- Fixed: auto forward (channel) bug
- Fixed: channel join/part bug (mode issue)
- Added: Timeout notification
- v0.2.6 (Release date: 12 / 01 / 2009)
- Fixed: Focus issue in chatmode
- Added: Auto nickname complete (press search button while typing)
- v0.2.7 (Release date: 28 / 01 / 2009)
- Changed: Default server, realname and ident
- Changed: Don’t clear channel on disconnect/time out
- Changed: Removed the ongoing flag for fIRC in the notification window
- v0.2.8 (Release date: 26 / 02 / 2009)
- Added: Exit button
- v0.2.9 (Release date: 15 / 03 / 2009)
- Fixed: IPv6 issue (thanks for reporting kash)
- v0.2.10 (Release date: 15 / 03 / 2009)
- Added: Clickable userlist
- Added: Channel list (/list)
- v0.2.11 (Release date: 26 / 03 / 2009)
- Fixed: /me bug in private chat
- Added: Join multiple channels on connect (comma separated, supports channels with a key)
- v0.2.12 (Release date: 24 / 08 / 2009)
- Fixed: Layout, should now be compatible with the on screen keyboard
- Added: Disabled screen time out when chat view is enabled.
- Added: Warning for #android channel to prevent spam
- Changed: Shutting app down without kill pid
Screenshots (v0.2.x)

Screenshots (v0.1.0)

59 responses
Can u implement some type of notification for PM’s? LED preferred.
Sure, Im thinking of using either the notification window, the LED or a sound msg.
Thanks for the update to firc! I was finally able to log into a channel with wifi. A couple questions: 1) Should this work when not on wifi? When I try to connect to a server via the cellular net, in the server status window I see “ ERROR: Closing Link: (ping timeout: 38 seconds)” and I can’t connect to any channels. 2) The only channel I use is secured for betatesters with a password. With firc I cannot connect by specifying a channel in the connect window. I have only been able to connect by typing this in the server status window: “/join “. Is there any chance you could add password support in firc’s connect window? Thanks! Paul
Hi Paul,
Hello, Really impressed with this client especially with all the new version two extras. I was wondering if there are any plans to make fIRC support multiple server and SSL connections? Thanks Peepo
unable to see server window or join channel? firc seems to run ok. I get an ongoing notification the service is running (v0.2.4) however when I hit connect in the connection settings I get nothing past (firc: connecting to server), is it possible to get a server window? if I try to join a channel I get a force close (The application fIRC chat (proces com.falcon4ever.fIRC) has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again). Any thoughts? Things worked before 0.2.x
It shows this everytime I log in on the Server status: -NickServ- this nickname is registered . Please choose a different nickname, or identify via /msg NickServ identify . But yet I am able to join the android channel. Do I need to change my Nickname?(Please say no)
Hi, I’m glad to see there’s finally an irc client coming out on Android. Thanks for your work! I’m wondering if you’re planning on going open source with this project, this is typically the kind of project I’d love to contribute to!
Hey paul! First off - thanks for building this app. Slowly my g1 is replacing my pc. :) I was wondering if you were going to add /kick command support. Thanks! L
Auto-reconnect would be sweet.
Great to see an Android IRC client. :) Where can I download the source for this? I’d like to work on improving it…
It would be great if more modes could be implemented, like /topic, /mode #chanel add host ect
@Remy/Rory: The application is free but not open source. There are no plans to make it open source any time soon. @Lance/Luismicro: I’ll ofcourse try to support those commands as soon as possible :)
Love the program it has come a long way since the first iteration. A few things I’d love to see: -reconnect on disconnect 5s delay between attempts. -Log save to sd card -PM notify. Thanks for the great woerk.
Sucks that this isn’t open source. Really needs improving and that would happen a lot faster with more developers. Oh well, I’m sure I’ll find a good open source one and jump on that bandwagon
Second the request for open sourcing it – really, everyone benefits it its opened up. Any particular reason for keeping it locked up, Lawrence? It’s good stuff – but with a community behind it, it could be a lot better, and if you leave it closed, I guaruntee that in a few months an OSS project will come along and eat your lunch. Whereas as an open source, it will continue to grow, and you can probably even pimp for donations with some success if you’re thinking about filthy lucre. Bugs (0.2.5): It worked pretty well when I first installed it, but after a day or two, it started erroring out. AtM, I have it up over wifi, but yeah, there are definately stability issues (I do live in NYC, so it needs to reconnect automatically after I go underground for an hour or so. Annoyances: I need to be able to hotkey to a channel – wow is going “goto firc, click on channel tab, click on the only channel I use” repetitive. No, please. At the very least, entering firc should take you back to where you left. Log is cleared on disconnects. Say what? if I’m in in #mychan, and I get disconnected and reconnect, I should damned well see what was said in #mychan before I was kicked off. PM notifications. channel notifications (even if they’re quiet – “# new messages in #mychan” in the status bar would be ideal. Why would I stay in a channel if I didn’t want to see new messages? This is all stuff whose lack I have found personally irritating. Naturally, obvious missing stuff I haven’t found cramping my style woudlbe supporting basic operator commands, DCC file transfer and chat, multi-server support, /ignore, and, of course, scripting.
@Mneme: I started fIRC as a personal project just to learn Java/Android (for that same reason fIRC sometimes locks up I guess due to nullpointer exceptions). I’m more a C++ programmer than Java. I’m not against open source projects in general (for example, I even got open source projects like Dolphin, nJoy and PCSX2). However I dont think that everything should be open source. Its not like when I make fIRC open source, the development speed is doubled. Another reason not to open source is that some people like to just add a minor thing and then claim it as their own which I really dislike (I’ve seen it before with our open source projects). Again, fIRC is just my personal project that I work on in my spare time and it will stay free. About the bug, probably reconnecting gives some issues. I added a notification to inform the user that a connection was lost. But I’ll add an option to auto reconnect. “Resume where you left” -> thats probably a view issue, gotta check that. “Log is cleared on disconnect” -> Its not cleared on disconnect, the status view is just ‘hidden’ for now on disconnect afaik. It does clear on connect. This will change in the next version that will also be supporting logging all messages to the memorycard. “PM/Chan notification” -> On my todo. “Missing operator commands” -> Still gotta add that. I’m also planning to add an option for advanced irc users (to send raw irc messages). That way those users can already use special commands even if I didnt implemented them properly yet. DCC file transfer is already working in my private build (60 kb/s over 3G).
Great program, and finally a proper IRC client for the android platform. Question, though: any chance including a close button on the main screen so it doesn’t keep running in the background when I’m done? I’d like to get some of that memory back. ^-^
Hi, great app. Latest version connects to my favorite network (blitzed). A few issues to report:
Oh, one more thing, some weirdness with the ‘back’ hardware button. Usually if I’m inside a channel, repeatedly pressing back will take me from: channel -> channel list -> main fIRC screen -> in channel again -> channel list again -> main fIRC screen again -> return to previous app opened before fIRC If you could eliminate the extra steps that would be nice, since a lot of times I’ll be reading in my browser, pop into fIRC, and then be annoyed at having to press back 7 times to get back to the browser
Whenever I try to connect to a server, it says “not enough parameters” every time, no matter which server. If it were open source, I’d fix this. Obviously, open sourcing things doesn’t always make it progress faster, but it can’t make it any slower if you do it right. It’s not like you’d lose the ability to make changes whenever you had the time. Worst case, you could just hand out the source and not even manage it as a project or just et someone else manage so long as you got commit access. Sure, some folks might make one change and call it a different product, but how does that hurt you? As it is, every one of us with an issue will have to rewrite the whole application just to get a working version or we’ll have to bug the crap out of you and take up your time fixing bugs you’re not having and adding features you don’t need. Unless you’ve got government secrets in your code, I just don’t see the conflict. Anyway, you’re only able to write the app because of open source code. Can’t hurt to give back.
I am unable 2 get into the chat at all. A black screen comes up when I try 2 initiate the chat. Is ne 1 else havin this problem…Hit me up
For some odd reason it stopped working for me. Like the chatrooms don’t show up n e more. And I really like this app. If u can back 2 me in email that would be great..
Seems like there are some DNS issues. I’ve checked the issue with another Tmo USA user and it seems that its failing to lookup (So either the DNS server is broken or someone is blocking the lookup on purpose). I’ve uploaded a new version (fIRC chat v0.2.7) with a different IP address.
Awesome client man. One suggestion, you should add an option to keep the screen on when using it.
Has anyone had luck with connecting to All I get when connecting is “ Not enough parameters” then “ ERROR :Closing Link: ping timeout”
Awesome app, is there a plan to put in support for running lines on connection? Would be sweet to be able to automatically AUTH with Q on quakenet on login, that and some sort of notification for PMs and when someone in the channel says your nick would tottally replace the need for a pc based client.
Hi, Very nice application. Please add an extra field to remember the nickserv password and issue an automatic “/msg nickserv identify password” after connecting to the channel. That would be great. Many thanks for a great app. Clem.
It would be awesome if you made fIRC open source. It needs to be able to be configured to join multiple channels too.
Is is open source or not? The comments here say it isn’t, but the page says it is (software license is GPL).
@scott I’m currently only using as a bug/feature request tracker. The source code is not public for now. @ivantis:
Excellent work, any chance you could add support for server passwords?
Good work, could you add support for server passwords?
Can you please support text encoding settings?
Trying to connect to but it always tells me “not enough parameters”. What can i do?
If you plan to release a newer version, would it be possible to put in an option in which you can have like bookmarks for your favorite irc server’s, so that way you dont have to remember every server off of the top of your head. Becasue i use 2 diffrent servers and it is a pain to have to log out, type in the new server then log in and if i want to go back to the previous server i have to do it all over again. I would be very helpful if firc could remember servers that you use.
I may be doing something stupid but don’t really see how. I installed firc from the market and it reliably gives me the stopped unexpectedly message. I do not see myself logged in to the channel I am trying to connect to. I was hoping to follow the Summer of Code dupe resolution on my G1 in case I had to deal with a dupe student. Unfortunately don’t think it is going to work for me in time. :( Any ideas or hints. Trying for
Joel: Try downloading the log collector and run it after firc stopped working. It should create an email with a reason why firc stopped working. You can email it to the address found on the about page. Hmm if you’re American (Tmo), don’t use it doesn’t seem to work properly (just hardcode a freenode server IP).
Yes. T-Mobile and the IP address trick worked. I pinged, grabbed the IP and it connected first time. I even waved at myself from my XChat on my laptop. Thank you very much. Now my wife has another reason to call me nerdy! Thanks for the cool program.
I once had this work, but now (since I had to reinstall after rooting my G1), I get nothing but a varied list of failures.. I usually see “not enough parameters” in the server trace followed by a disconnect. Sometimes it looks for a while as though it might have succeeded but the ier list is 0 users and the channel screen stays blank. someeimes it say ssomething liek “not registered” I just type in as the server which should return dozens of IP addresses. I have tried just typing in one IP address from teh list but I get hit by the “not enough parameters” problem. it’d be nice if the format for “default channel with password” were shown as an example (what is it?) name[space]password? I’ve seen it run once. It’s so frustratingly close.
Hi. I just want to ask you to add operator commands, for some users they are extremely important. At least the most basic ones, /kick, /mode and /topic. And by the way, firc is my most used app on my phone.
Please add the /quote option for BNC users, this otherwise great app is now useless for me. :(
@Laurence Muller “DCC file transfer is already working in my private build (60 kb/s over 3G).” Should I take this to mean you’re going to add this feature into the public version of the app eventually? That would really bring me over into using your client!
@l3reak Well its a planned feature so yes, it will be in the next major release.
Fantastic! That’s all I’ll need for a 5 star rating for fIRC.
Hi! I like fIRC but can you please make it support ISO-8859-1 too?
I’ll do my best, for now I still need to do some rewriting for the next version. If you want to make sure I don’t forget your suggestion, please post it on: . That would make it easier to keep track of feature requests :)
Is fIRC still supported? There has been no update for almost two years, last update appeared in Aug 2009 _
It’s true that it has been a while since the last update. However, I’m currently rewriting fIRC 3 from scratch and hope to send out a beta soon :).
hello when the version with dcc send will be public please
Crap, can’t even connect to undernet. One of the biggest most common networks. Can’t add your own servers, this is useless to me me, and any other avid irc user.
You should be able to add your own servers, just add a new profile. I’ll have to check why it won’t connect to undernet though.
Is this DCC really working? I’m trying to download a file using command: “/msg(bot name)xdcc send #(number)” but it says: “unimplemented: 421 mynick msg :unknown command”. I’m using the same command on my IRC client on computer and everything works fine. And I don’t know why it says “” because I use “”.
DCC receive from other clients should work, not sure if xdcc uses a different protocol though.
Why it is possible to choice only freenode efnet and dalnet? It is possible by chance to connect to other network/servers and how we are suposed to do?
It has only been tested for those 3 networks, however, if you skip the server wizard and just fill out your server settings at “server settings” you can connect to any server you want.
Thanks!! It worked very well….I have another question: i tried to use the command /msg “botname” xdcc send # but this seems notworking. I received the answer unimplemented……unknown command. Are you sure that your app suports this command? And in case what I have to do to take it effective?
The current version of firc only supports DCC receive. Other DCC related commands (chat, send, xdcc etc) are not supported for now.
Such a pity xdcc isn’t supported. That would be a unique feature in the playstore scenery Hope you are still working on this